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What is wellbeing in the workplace?

When we are in harmony or feeling balanced and connected in ourselves we enjoy coming to work and being with those we work with. We care about what we do, how we are and appreciate the effect our wellbeing - which includes our attitude and approach - has on others; so it involves self-awareness and sensitivity. It’s about how we are looking after ourselves (body and mind) at all times and being aware of those moments when our energy is affected; we may be emotional, tired, reactionary, operating on autopilot, feel “out of it”, disconnected, unfocused or distracted for example. 

When we take steps to respond with choices or moves that support us back to personal internal balance, whether self-initiated or an initiative our employer is providing, we’re taking responsibility not just for the pulse of harmony and connection within ourselves but also within the office space too.

Why is wellbeing so important?

When our sense of wellbeing is intact, we have the energy to enjoy productive days and our vitality levels are strong. There is collaboration and we’re more fun to be with. We also have the capacity to work more and do greater quality work; we’re switched on and have focus. 

It’s the solid connection with ourselves that establishes well-being, a commitment to the job, to others, and also what brings a sense of greater purpose to work. When that (self) connection gets affected then everything gets impacted too: work, productivity, relating with others and of course how we feel about ourselves. Caring for our body and well-being allows us to care about the work we do along with the people we work with. And that’s important.

Maecenas vitae

What are we doing to support clients?

  • We host intimate HR wellbeing breakfasts for different industry sectors to understand what each industry is doing in their sector when it comes to wellbeing
  • We host quarterly breakfast seminars that look at broader issues of wellbeing and HR
  • We write Wellbeing Insight Papers, blogs, and articles that support a different way to consider wellbeing beyond “free fruit and massages”
  • We offer content contribution consultancy to support with raising awareness of wellbeing in the workplace through clients' internal communications channels
  • We offer meetings to discuss current wellbeing plans alongside recruitment solutions
  • Internally Hanover hosts wellbeing initiatives to support our own staff in their wellbeing; staff also have access to yoga/body awareness meditation sessions.

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