Case Study
One of the world’s largest behaviour-change platform engaged Hanover to help them develop Franchise Directors across the UK.
The structure of the franchise network had recently been consolidated. This meant that some Directors were now responsible for bigger regions.
Changes also brought new leaders into the business who, despite having considerable experience, had not run a franchise before.
The UK Sales Director asked us to speak to key stakeholders and high- performing Franchise Directors to understand what was required for success.
This ‘DNA’ was described as a set of leadership behaviours against which selected Franchise Directors were benchmarked using Lumina Spark and a behavioural interview.
Comprehensive individual and composite feedback identified strengths and development priorities tailored to the demands of the Franchise businesses and their relationship with the company and the South African parent company.
Participants subsequently worked with a leadership coach over a six month period to support their development.
Very positive feedback from participants and the business led to a second phase of work with additional Franchise Directors who were not part of the original programme.
Following assessment feedback, they are now working with their coaches to further develop their franchises and respond to changes in the market and the client’s strategy. Hanover has also just been engaged to run a third phase with additional participants.