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Case Study

Driving Employee Engagement and Collaboration through Purpose Alignment for Real Estate Investment Firm

In 2023, a real estate investment and asset management client asked Hanover to partner with them to provide insights on employee engagement and to drive more collaboration across the business through defining a shared purpose that everyone buys into.

Our client’s core business is to identify opportunistic real estate investments, develop creative strategies for adding value and effectively executing those strategies to generate exceptional capital returns while providing consistent, stable cashflow.

Hanover worked in close collaboration with the CEO and COO as well as key business unit leaders to better understand the business context and ambitions in a time of rapid growth. The Engagement Multiplier survey was run to provide the organisation with a clear view on the level of employee engagement against various metrics.

Using the data and insights from the survey and leadership conversations with the client, Hanover designed and facilitated a full-day company-wide offsite with 18 participants.

The offsite focused on feeding back high-level themes of the engagement survey and agreeing what to start/stop and continue.

Thereafter, we focused on bringing the organisational values to life and what this means in practice.
We then engaged the business on an impactful building task to illustrate how purpose drives high performance and following this, worked together to craft the business’s purpose statement.

As a consequence of the offsite, the organisation has clear actions to work on from the engagement survey and a clearly defined purpose statement, published on their website. This has also led to improved collaboration across the two key areas of the business.

We are continuing to support the client through coaching assignments.

Organisation-Wide Feedback

How would you describe your overall team development experience with Hanover?
  • Very valuable 55% (6)
  • Extremely valuable 45% (5)
How positive was your experience of working with the Hanover facilitators?
  • Very positive 36% (4)
  • Extremely positive 64% (7)
Would you recommend Hanover to others?
  • Probably would 36.36% (4)
  • Definitely would 63.64% (7)
What did you like most about the process?
  • ‘Involvement of the entire team. Ability to put all ideas out on the table. Giving the staff the opportunity to be involved in what the company is about and aiming to achieve.’
  • ‘Facilitators were very good. Interaction and debate was beneficial.’
  • ‘Very tangible and practical.’
  • ‘Thought provoking, demonstrating buy-in and interest from leadership.’
  • ‘Really good. Helped to create clarity around the organisational aims and to provide a consistent and clear message that all have bought into’
  • ‘Streamline the standard and vision across the organisation as a whole.’