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Case Study

Enhancing Leadership and Collaboration for Senior Technical Consultants

A leading insurance consultancy asked Hanover to design and deliver a development process for their senior technical consultants.

The group included actuaries, accountants, MBAs and PhDs who specialise in the insurance sector.

There was a clear opportunity to strengthen their self-awareness and inter-personal skills to accompany their first-class technical skills.

The Hanover team designed a process that included the Lumina Spark personality psychometric and a series of interactive workshops.

Light pre-workshop activities and a questionnaire enabled us to better understand their work pressures and priorities and what they wanted to achieve from the process.

Having read and digested their personal Lumina personality reports, participants brought their insights into the workshops and shared with others.

This strengthened trust and understanding and provided a platform for greater collaboration.
Individuals could now see what was driving their colleagues’ behaviour and understand how best to leverage the diversity in the team.

A significant proportion of the time during workshops was spent exploring impact, influence and communication with different stakeholder groups.

Participants provided detailed feedback on their experience to the Head of HR and Head of Consulting and were hugely positive (see right).