Leadership Assessment

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Key leadership challenges are focused on attracting and retaining talent, upskilling and reskilling.

And this is all underpinned by DE&I and wellbeing within an environment that is constantly changing - so how confident are you that you understand your current leadership capability? Are your hiring decisions the best they can be?

Leadership is critical to the success of any organisation. How good is yours?

Whether it’s hiring an external candidate or promoting from within, you can’t afford to make a costly mistake. The cost of a wrong hire is approximately three times their annual salary, and wrong talent management decisions could result in your losing key talent. Making sure you have the right people in the right place at the right time is key to the success of your organisation.

Why assess your leaders?

The answer is simple:

  • You ensure the very best talent is placed in the very best role

  • You get the best from your leaders & keep them engaged

  • You identify and mitigate the risks associated with talent decisions

  • You ensure you select the best leaders for critical roles in your business

  • You reduce unconscious bias through objective measures

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Leadership assessment from Hanover

All of our assessments are underpinned by diversity, equity and inclusion.

We use next-generation psychometrics that make the most of cutting-edge technology, combined with deep dive behavioural interviews, to understand who leaders are at their core, the persona that they choose to show up with at work and what might potentially derail them.

Our assessments provide two levels of data:

Individual: They increase self-awareness by helping leaders understand how to leverage their strengths, what risk areas they might have and what development to prioritise to excel in their role and fulfil their potential. 

Organisational: They provide your organisation with in-depth insights into your talent to inform selection, onboarding, development and performance management at all levels. This helps you to manage risk and minimise bias.

Three types of assessment we offer across levels

SELECTION – Through the job description and discussions with the hiring manager, we develop a strong understanding of each role and the critical leadership behaviours required for success. Our robust, objective assessments help you to de-risk your final selection decision. Our in-depth analysis of candidate strengths, potential risk areas and ‘fit to role’ enhance your understanding of what each individual can bring to the role and your organisation, as well as how best to onboard and support them. For more information on our Executive Search service: CLICK HERE

DEVELOPMENT– Whether you have existing leadership behaviours, would like to develop them for your organisation, or prefer to use Hanover’s leadership framework, we will help you to define what high performance leadership looks like within your context – your organisation’s leadership ‘DNA’. This enables us to benchmark your leaders’ current capability and future potential through our proven assessment process. We identify key strengths and development priorities, provide detailed written and verbal feedback, and work with each leader to identify and action impactful development priorities. For further information on our leadership development service: CLICK HERE

POTENTIAL – Using Hanover’s potential model, we help you to identify successors for key roles in your organisation. Our assessments not only enable us to identify strengths and risk areas for successors, but also an indication of their readiness to step into future roles and provide development recommendations and support to help them close any gaps. For more information on our succession planning service see: CLICK HERE

How we assess your leaders

To truly understand your leaders, we examine the following key core areas:

Personality and motivation - who someone is beneath the surface; their preferences, drivers and values and how these factors influence their decisions and actions.

Experiences - how personal and professional experiences have shaped someone into the person they are now, and how this might help or hinder them in the future. 

Behaviours - how personality, motivation and experiences come together and are demonstrated through an individual’s behaviour and their interactions with others. 

We then take these components and overlay them onto the context of your culture, strategy and specific role demands to then give you clear recommendations on:

  • Fit to role
  • Succession readiness
  • Development priorities – individual and group level
  • Talent decisions

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