How assessment can drive positive change and growth in your organisation

ByHanover Team
Posting date: 18 December 2020


In an increasingly competitive landscape, it’s all the more important to ensure you have the right people in the right roles at the right time in your organisation. Rigorous but supportive assessments help you to make informed talent management decisions and manage the risks associated with new appointments and succession moves. They also enable you to identify, measure and nurture potential amongst your leaders of the future.

The world of business is constantly changing. As your organisation grows and responds to external developments, there’s the opportunity to benefit from fresh perspectives, whether it’s new talent joining your business or internal leaders stepping up and increasing their contribution. This blend of internal and external expertise and experience is key to deliver successful change. According to McKinsey and Company, 70% of business transformations fail. That’s why there’s all the more reason to make sure you have the very best people in place and that you understand their strengths and development needs.

Selecting high-performing leaders

Hanover’s experienced team of assessors helps you to define what success looks like in specific roles within your organisation. This focuses on behaviour – how someone delivers results and leads others, beyond their technical expertise and career experience. We then benchmark shortlisted candidates (internal and/or external) against these measures using a rigorous assessment methodology that’s proven and evidence-based. This goes much, much deeper than traditional interviews. It uncovers what’s driving each candidate, their fit for the role in question and their potential to progress beyond it. The data and insights we generate are exceptionally valuable to our clients who rely on it to inform their decision-making process. Key stakeholders and each candidate receive comprehensive feedback that’s practical and easy to interpret.


Identifying and developing potential

Impartial, in-depth assessments also add huge value when you need to identify and develop your Executive leaders of the future. Whilst Hanover’s benchmarking process is rigorous, it’s also supportive; it provides participants with the opportunity to demonstrate their strengths and show themselves at their best. This positive experience engages participants and strengthens your employer brand. Individual feedback helps high-potential leaders to identify and focus on their development priorities. Quantitative and qualitative feedback for your business enables you to map and track talent using data. This feeds into succession plans and demonstrates to shareholders and the Regulator that you have a robust and forward-looking talent plan in place based on internal and external measures.


Whatever the context, Hanover’s talent assessments can help you to ensure you have the people and capabilities you need to deliver positive change and growth across your organisation.


Hanover can help you find top talent that drives change and growth within your business

Through Executive Search, Leadership Solutions and Market Intelligence, Hanover can help you to find, select, onboard, develop and deploy high performing talent across your organisation. 


We’ve long established ourselves as leaders in talent solutions and we build trusted, enduring connections with our clients. We have a proven methodology that delivers results and work in partnership with our clients to deliver the diverse teams they need to grow their businesses. 


Now’s the time to prepare for the future by driving change and growth in your business. Let us help with your talent solutions. If you want to find out more about talent assessments, contact us f or more information.

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